Youth & Infant Casket Vault Combination
Whether we were fortunate enough to know them and share life for a few years or even for a moment, nothing is more difficult than dealing with the loss of a child. It is our sincerest hope that our casket vault combo unit provides a final opportunity to lavish your little one with all the love, care, security and honor possible… to celebrate their life and the joy that they brought to yours.
The Trigard Serenity is a casket-vault combination. It is beautiful for a service and strong for cemetery requirements. The Serenity is unique and has handles designed into the casket vault for easy, graceful carrying. Each Serenity comes with a comfort teddy bear.
Remembrance Bear Ceremony
At the graveside, a minister or family member can read a poem that invites friends and family to say final goodbyes as they take a Teddy Bear. The Remembrance Bear Ceremony opens hearts to healing and closure.